Lynnmor wrote:
While you guys are discussing, arguing and looking up technical things, Jakie is tossing a handful of wires for Amos to fasten somehow. I'm sure those guys are well versed in standards and codes.
I think I am reading that the way you intended it.. So I'll tell a TRUE story.
Back when I had Sticks and Bricks I "Upgraded" the HEVAC to a new high efficiency furnace and central A/C.
Well it was too cold to properly charge the A/C so they told me they would come back when it warmed up some (NOTE.. This I do understand) Well it warmed up.. Just barely enough. and they came back.
|Blew every spare fuse he had but one before he found out why.
THe "Amos" hooked the black wire to the green screw and the other way around.
(Color blindness is a sex linked trait. and yes I am.. Slightly. but I'm not AMOS and I know which screw is Green Same for the wire).