The Tailgater must be connected directly to the vip211 receiver box. Depending on how your trailer is wired it may be simple or not.
Some rigs have two external connections, one for park cable and one for satellite. If you have that then it is just a matter of finding the inside connector for the sat and connecting the receiver box to it.
If you only have one external connector, then you MAY have a dual coax connector plate somewhere inside with a short coax jumper cable from one connector to the other. If so, you can remove the short jumper and use another coax cable to connect the incoming coax signal to your sat receiver box. That is how mine is wired and it works fine. But I had to remove the jumper and connect the receiver for satellite, and put it back if I wanted to use park cable. It did not affect the antenna either way.
So I added a second external coax connector for the satellite input so that I would not have to remove the jumper coax for sat and then put it back for park cable. Everything just remains in place. A pretty easy mod on my trailer.