dewey02 wrote:
jfkmk wrote:
However, Kenmore appliances are not made by Sears. They're rebranded from other manufacturers, including Samsung.
Yes, I'm aware that Kenmores have always been rebranded products. But they used to be GOOD rebranded products. The point remains, my daughter got two Kenmore washers that both failed almost immediately. She is still using her Samsung and is more than happy with it.
Years ago I worked for Admiral and in addition to their brand name products, they made "private label" products for stores like Sears, for example. The company would negotiate any modifications that were to be made to the product during manufacturing. To use this case as an example, the store might then sell Samsung and Kenmore (modified Admiral) side by side. Heck-there might even be a Sears brand on the floor made by yet another manufacturer.
Admiral offered this service for both white and brown goods.
I think Admiral may still be around although their manufacturing plants shut down years ago. Bet you can't guess what they sell :-)