CKNSLS wrote:
Let's go over this. I go to a garage sale and buy a broken wrench for .50 cents. I then go to Sears and trade it in for a new $10.00 wrench.
I guess you and I have a moral gap.
I know this post wasn't directed at me, but I'm the one who first asked if the lifetime hand tool guarantee would soon disappear.
The situation described above is something I have never done and would never do.
I have LOTS of Craftsman hand tools and many expensive Craftsman power tools (Radial Arm Saw, Large Table Saw, Dust collector, all kinds of shop tools, etc).
Generally my Craftsman hand tools have never broken, except for a couple of screw drivers that have had tips broken through the years. I think I've taken one hand tool back in 40 years, but I have a few broken ones that are laying around that I've always meant to return "when I get around to it."
I am with you in that I don't think folks should deliberately buy broken tools at rummage sales and then trade them in for new/good tools through the warranty. But I guess those that do have to live with themselves and are willing to justify to themselves to soothe their conscience.