Chris Bryant wrote:
Not really-
An understatement LOL.
That siding is typically custom made if you are trying to match existing, and there are quite a few profiles. It comes in two thickness usually, .024 or .030. Depending on the profile/gauge anywhere from $3 to $8 a sq ft foot. A 30' trailer could run you $3K to $5K doing it all custom made, and that's not counting all the other stuff needed such as moldings (you'll booger up the existing ones for the most part), butyl tape, etc. You also have to add the crating charges and motor freight shipping of which neither are cheap. Also with motor freight you stand about a 50% chance of them damaging the entire kaboodle during shipping no matter how well it's crated, and then you start over after doing battle with them.
The RV manufacturers get the stuff dirt cheap. A lot actually roll their own.
Now if you could drive to the Elkhart IN area with a flat trailer you may be able to lay your hands on some at one of the surplus places. Here is some for around $2 sq ft.
RV Surplus Online won't do you much as their inventory changes constantly. You have to call them. Traveling to IN. is not an option for most.
It's probably more cost effective to buy a new trailer.