2 amps was able to get the battery to 16.2v?
My flooded marine batteries required about 5 amps per 100Ah after hours at 14.4-.7, to get upto 16v.
I've also EQ's a not very old flooded group 27 starting battery that was deepcycled often and rarely charged anywhere near full, and it required 4 amps to get to 16.2v and eventually settled to 2.5 amps before amps required to maintain 16.2v began rising again.
Was never able to restore Sg on that battery and it is apparently still continuing to be deep cycled over a few week timespan by someone who repeats a battery's age over and over as to whether it is still good or not..
The EZ red and similar plastic hydrometers say they are temp compensated, but I do not believe it. During EQ charging the electrolyte gets warmer. My float readings with a turkey baster glass style hydrometer would often stay the same, but when factoring in the temp compensation, the EQ was still increasing SG and i would keep going until it did not or amps required to hold 16v would start rising instead of tapering.