My dealer finally did get in touch with FR. Apparently, they have a new part that attaches to the roller wheel that can prevent the damage to the slide room bottom. My dealer, however, said that they must remove the slide room to repair it properly. I have heard, however, that you shouldn't remove the slide room unless it is absolutely necessary. Several people have managed to replace the sweeper seal without removing the slide room, but the additional repairs to the slide room may require the removal. I am currently trying to contact FR Service to confirm this. Anyone out there from FR who can help on this question?
I tried to contact FR directly to confirm that the slide room would have to come off. I was directed to the voice mail of someone called "Justin", and left a short message for him to get back to me. After not hearing back, I called again to ask if there were anyone else I could talk to, but was told Justin was the "only" one who could help me, and, in essence, he would get back to me when he got back to me, and that it might take "some time". I can see why it took almost two weeks just to respond to my dealer. This is service?