If you have good solid walls in place, build the roof on top of that. Check the rafters on the Jayco Magnum roof.
(temprature) are against you, but if I was doing the job, after I got the rafters installed (16" on center spacing) I would sheet the roof with 3/8" plywood and then cover that with epoxy and 22 oz. triaxial fiber glass. You could use 1/4" plywood
(not luan) if you did 2 layers of triaxial fiberglass. The only thing more durable than fiberglass is aluminum.
There are 2 big problems with roof systems
- Finishing over the edge and on to the exterior wall. This is a CRITICAL joint to prevent water intrusion into the wall. Sorry, no good suggestions.
- Sealing any place were something comes through the roof. With a pitched roof, so not make any holes along the center line. I think I would use butyl tape on the inside and a good caulk on the outside, plus some type of plastic/aluminum flashing. With flashing, the fewer the joints the better and they should be on the "downhill" side if possible. You might consider 'glassing the flashing down.