3 tons wrote:
FWIW, my Honda 2000i would start the 11k btu while on Eco, but not once the air cond has gotten warm and run for say 30 or more min...Same thing with my new Honda2200i. I’m at 4,800’ elevation.
At some point I’ll consider swapping for a 9200k btu.
On edit, I went to the Airxcel.com site and interestingly enough the Mach 8 Cub 9200 btu uses more power than my 10 yr old Mach 1 PS 11k btu (but the Mach 8 has two fans) as follows:
Mach 8 Cub 9.2k
Hi cool amps = 11.7a
Locked rotor = 58.4a
Mach 1 Power Saver 11k
Hi cool amps = 10a
Locked rotor = 41.5
Maybe a different type refrigerant??