Mex, if you read some of the archives you will find articles of that sort from over a hundred years ago until now.
Popular Science has run articles on both global cooling and warming. And many seem to follow the sunspot cycle.
An interesting article from the 1950's was reprinted in Harpers Magazine which tracked a lot of data from multiple fields, you may find it interesting.
This one I tend to have faith in because it speaks in terms of millenia, not the short term, and the long term data does show shifts.
Mini ice ages were forecast back in the 1880's and 90's.
A global superheating period was forecast in conjunction with the Dust Bowl days.
And another mini ice age was broadly predicted in the 1970's before Al Gore jumped on the bandwagon in 2000 after getting the US govt to fund some studies which predicted warming again.
Global consensus was formed when money started flowing into the studies, as the money has slowed, some have started showing differing forecast. When the researchers quit being driven by finding the results desired by whoever is funding the research, some idea of what is coming may be eventually gleaned, but for now, there is just too much money contaminating the science.