I would put the two 150s in parallel and get a 25-30a PWM controller for under $50 to start with. The 20a MPPT will clip some so giving the MPPT 10% up balances getting more amps mid-day and you save $250. The PWM will keep up the amps in the heat down there too, not lose it like MPPT. Once you have tried it out for a while you can go to MPPT later if wanted/needed.
The $250 saved can go towards your new variable voltage 100amp PowerMax :) OTOH, the Iota and VEC will do 100amps, so you can use the $250 for really big roof brackets with a four way tilt.
Tilted South vs Flat got me 70AH instead of 56. 300/130 x70 = 161AH which is your hour of MW at 160a draw. Noon amps at Isc is 2 x 8.95= 18a and add 20% margin (for the non-clipping PWM) adds 4 call it 22a so you need a 25a controller or higher amps.
For geekiness, you can get the adjustable set point PWM one that Niner was suggesting. There--all your problems solved!