BFL13 wrote:
I would put the two 150s in parallel and get a 25-30a PWM controller for under $50 to start with. The 20a MPPT will clip some so giving the MPPT 10% up balances getting more amps mid-day and you save $250. The PWM will keep up the amps in the heat down there too, not lose it like MPPT. Once you have tried it out for a while you can go to MPPT later if wanted/needed.
The $250 saved can go towards your new variable voltage 100amp PowerMax :) OTOH, the Iota and VEC will do 100amps, so you can use the $250 for really big roof brackets with a four way tilt.
Tilted South vs Flat got me 70AH instead of 56. 300/130 x70 = 161AH which is your hour of MW at 160a draw. Noon amps at Isc is 2 x 8.95= 18a and add 20% margin (for the non-clipping PWM) adds 4 call it 22a so you need a 25a controller or higher amps.
For geekiness, you can get the adjustable set point PWM one that Niner was suggesting. There--all your problems solved!
Thanks again. Parallel and PWM it is! I won't be going cheap on the controller. I really need something that will keep working in the summer unlike the Iota. The Morningstar will keep working up to 90C (194F). That was an eye opener finding that issue. 2oldman, I would much rather buy them. I'll keep looking around. Because of the info 12thgen posted, I'm gonna try and get some that raise the panels at least 2-3 inches off the roof for cooling.
pianotuna wrote:
Hi BFL13,
mena wants temperature compensation I'm sure. It may be hard to find a controller with a temperature probe for $50. The idea of the 45 amp tristar pwm seems to fit with budget concerns.
This is mandatory.