NinerBikes wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
Hi BFL13,
mena wants temperature compensation I'm sure. It may be hard to find a controller with a temperature probe for $50. The idea of the 45 amp tristar pwm seems to fit with budget concerns.
Not at all. 30 amp temp control programmable for voltage. Mount the controller as close to the battery boxes as possible.
Sounds like Mena has a fun project on his hands, results, if he measures output from his two new panels and logs it, should be interesting.
Mena, when do you think you'll be ready for field testing? The days are getting longer fast now as month end of Feb gets here.
The manual for that controller seems to say the adjustable charging is for the "cease charging voltage" which (perhaps) would be the same as a "high set point" but it is unclear if it is the same as a "Vabs" where the charging continues but amps now taper.
It also says the "float voltage" is "settable" so I ASSume that is the same thing so once it gets the batts to say 14.8 it would keep them there till it gets dark.
( I need to match the voltage for my 130w panel's controller with my EcoW controller on the 230w panel. Right now I have the $13 RJ special which does 14.4 and the EcoW is set to 14.8 which I want ) guy has one and shows how the buttons work. Looks like he has the same RV as mena's! :) He also has an RJ special mounted beside his Solar30