mena661 wrote:
scroller95969 wrote:
I made my own L brackets like you have shown out of 2" angle but I used 2 brackets per mount attaching one to the panel and one to the roof and then joining them with a bolt. This way I can rotate the panels for access under them or add a piece of flat stock between the L brackets to rotate them a certain amount.
Do you have a picture of this by chance? Also, I'd like to thank everyone for contributing to this thread.
I didn't take any pics of my install. It's supposed to rain for the next 4 days but if I remember I'll take a pic when it stops raining. Basically I mounted an L bracket with 3 bolts to the roof at a 90 degree angle to solar panel and then mounted another bracket to the bottom of the solar panel with 2 bolts in the same direction so that the 2 faces of the L brackets would meet in the middle. I then bolted them together with one bolt. I used the 2" angle on one bracket and I think 1 1/4" X 2" on the panel bracket which made the panels about 3" from the roof. That way I could use a machine knob to attach the brackets together for a fast and easy rotation. My wife however didn't like the panels sticking up so high and after much discussion I cut the brackets down so that I could barely get my fingers underneath to attach the connecting bolt. Makes them about 1" at the crown of the roof and I can still rotate them if need be. Was pretty slick before I go vetoed but I had to keep the peace. Luckily I have a metal cut off saw for making all the cuts and recuts that I had to do.