mena661 wrote:
Rig has a rubber roof. I'm going to put the two panels in series and get the Rogue 20A MPPT controller. Doubtful I'll ever get the 20A output with a fixed roof install AND I don't know if I can add more panels (they'd have to be smaller than the 150W I think) so no larger controller will be purchased. I'm looking for 50-70Ah a day. Anything more is gravy.
EDIT: I'll get the panels first before ordering the brackets.
I got 56AH a day with my 130w lying flat at 49.3N in mid-May, and got 7.2 out of 8.3a Isc at noon. You should get higher noon amps being farther south. Just using my one time results there, in proportion you should expect 300/130 x 56 = 129AH and noon amps of 8.95/8.3 x 7.2 x 300/130 = 17.9a with an extra 10% for MPPT= 20a.
Being farther south you will go over 20a at noon for sure, but the controller will clip any extra so no worries about the gear.
The 129AH is huge for the purpose intended. That is almost an hour of MW operation. ISTR you want 20 minutes of MW? So somewhere in all that you can WAG if your set-up will be enough for your needs, allowing that not every day will be sunny all day.
EDIT---He's back! hmknightnc--how's the Tracer? :)