My OFF-ROAD POPUP CAMPER roof doesn't support any drilling into the roof area except on the edges.
I will want to do something like these google photos mounting two 100 or 120WATT PANELS on the front of the roof area on either side of the fantastic fan and then a larger 240WATT panel on the rear roof area.
Also my roof use an electric motor to raise the roof when setting up and it already has a 13,500 Roof Mounted Air Conditioner so I will most likely have a weight problem when raising the roof. I am hoping the two smaller front mounted solar panels will be ok and perhaps the larger rear mounted solar panel will have to added after the roof is raise at the camp site. This panel could serve as my portable solar panel to setup on the ground as needed...
I want to mount the ALUMINUM mounted UNISTRUT sections across the roof where needed and bolt these in place on the roof edges or maybe even using a mounting support down the sides of the roof. I have already mounted several things on the side of the roof up near the top with no problems with screws doing damage. I can actually go all the thru the side panel and use bolts with washers and nut on the inside if necessary.
These photos from google search pretty much show what I may have to deal with getting my two solar frames mounted across the roof of my POPUP. Working with the POPUP roof in the down position will make it a piece of cake getting it all mounted.
NOTE The spring loaded sliding nuts inside the UNISTRUT will allow for easy mounting of the panels with their right angle supports.
Roy Ken