Posted By: NinerBikes on 11/12/13 08:32am
KJINTF wrote:
All the 8800 series I have seen have the RJ-11 "RCMS" RJ-11 connection
Most of the dozen or so 9800 series converters I have seen do not have the external connection.
Just took a look at a WF-9845 here in the shop that does NOT have the RJ-11 connection
Take a look for the RJ-11 connector - if there you can pickup the pendant and have full manual control
I have a 8955, not a 8800 or a 9800 series converter. Does an 8955 converter have a pendant?
SMK is correct saying NO it does not have one
However there are several of us here that have modified that and similar models to output a higher voltage.Requires taking it apart and soldering a new resister across an existing resister