BFL13 wrote:
The controller is more efficient (more watts out for the watts into it, when not stepping down from 24 panel to 12v battery than doing 12-12, so yo would gain amperage there, but OTOH the higher panel voltage gives more room for the controller to do anything in lower light conditions when there is less wattage from the lower voltage coming in.
So it is possible one could be better than the other sometimes and the other way better other times.
Seems like you are getting good results now, so I agree---leave it be and enjoy your solar :)
I agree with BFL.
with your configuration I doubt there is enough of a noticeable difference that one has a distinct advantage over the other. Where the 24 (or 36 or 48V) series connection has an advantage is if the run is very long or current very very high.
In my case, I use portable panels, sometimes as far as 150ft from the trailer, using #10 wire. In this case series does win out in that I have 3 panels, so series has 1/3 the current, hence 1/3 the voltage drop between the panel and controller. But even in this case the difference is on the order of 10-15%, when running at max output current, noticeable, not a killer but worthwhile. Once batteries are near full charge, the advantage goes away anyway since current drops way down and is determined by the state of charge, not the panel.