A few rules of thumbs that I've developed, and of course, not scientifically developed:)!
> Put as high as quality, and as many that will fit, solar panels on your roof. (If the roof will fit 12 (Or whatever.) panels, put 12 (Or whatever.) panels on it!
> When you replace your house batteries, put as good of quality and as many (Focus on combined AH's vs numbers of batteries.) AGM's (Or if you're in the mood to do so, Lithium.) that will fit in your battery bay. (Lithium's charge the fastest, and AGM's charge faster then Wet.)
>Don't cheap out on MPPT Controller, and be sure to have an effective Battery Monitor (If Magnum Inverter/Charger, the BMK Meter does well. If not Magnum, check out Bogart's equipment. As far as MPPT Controller, if the Inverter/Charter is Magnum, then no reason not to look at the PT-100. If not, then just be sure you properly size your chosen Controller.)
Whatever gear you end up with, really learn the in's and out's of how to use it, proper battery management can pay dividends of longer living batteries:)!
As said, not scientific. But do it once, and go have some fun:)!