The battery was again discharged by 92.9 AH or down to 55.3% SOC. The battery was then charged with 4A constant current over the entire charge. The charge takes over 1800 minutes, or 30 hours. Data was taken every 5 seconds.
The charge is very linear until battery gets to about 87% SOC. That means battery resistance is constant below 87%. I previously measured it at 12 mohm. For some unknown reason, charging current increased from 4A to 4.5A at the 1600 minute mark. Some time later I discovered the issue and reduced current back to 4.0A It's actually good this happened as I can now calculate battery resistance when it's a 98% SOC.
R = delta V / delta I
R = 0.071V / 0.5A
R = 0.14 ohms
Battery resistance is over 10x greater at 98% than at 75%. The increase in voltage above 85% is due to increasing resistance. At the end of the charging test, a flattening of voltage to about 15.5V occurs. Flattening is an indicator of 100% SOC.

The second graph shows battery temperature. The probe was attached to the battery terminal and then covered with insulation. The probe has a granularity of 1 deg.C; programmable with software. Temperatures run from 6 C (43F) to 16 C (61F). The time 1800 min corresponds to about 3 pm.