Forum Discussion

Nov 03, 2018

Speaking Of Harbor Freight...

This load tester costs fifty dollars. I own one. It will CORRECTLY load test a tiny garden tractor battery all the way up to a 160 lb 8-D battery.


The cheese grater type testers auto parts stores use are a joke. Like a heart stress test done in a Chaise Lounge.

"It tested good. Why did it die?"

Immortal words of victims who were deceived into believing cheese grater 80 or 100 amp fixed load testers are worth the time and trouble. Like comparing a $4.95 socket set to the real thing.

"Look! The voltage went to above twelve. Your alternator is fine!"

With the adjustable load tester you can also load your battery down to 13 volts and check the LOAD TEST validity of an alternator.

Load test between battery negative and the chassis. See smoke?

A carbon pile test is FAR MORE ACCURATE and reliable than a battery impedance test.

Check your campground neighbor's batteries. Get invited over for drinks and dinner. Just joking.

    A carbon pile test is FAR MORE ACCURATE and reliable than a battery impedance test.

    The old Sun VAT 26, 28, 32 and 40 tester had a big ol' carbon pile in them. Because of the way the test cables were you could put a load on the running engine charging system an see if it was still putting out adequate voltage. The only way to truly do a diode test.