Forum Discussion

Byjingoigor's avatar
Aug 16, 2013

Suburban SF-35 Igniting Intermitently

I should state first off that this problem started just after I had fueled up the propane. The Service person had me shut off valves on the tank while we fueled. The next time I I turned on the furnace it blew only cold air. After several attempts fiddling with the thermostat it did fire up. Next day, same thing.
My guess is there is a systematic procedure to do while troubleshooting. I think I may be somewhat mechanically inclined. A friend of mine once asked, "How often have we paid people to do work because we thought they knew more than we did?" I think I've had this experience once or twice and wound up on sites like this and found help and then was able to solve the problem myself.

Thanks Ahead for any help
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