Forum Discussion

Dec 11, 2018

Suggestion For People Asking Tech Questions

  • Ask the question the best you know how
  • If the first few answers seem to be off track
  • Get back online and say you did not receive the answers you were looking for
  • If necessary state you are still unanswered
  • If you sit back do nothing and responses do not suit you please do not criticize
  • This is a Q&A forum, not a Q, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:: OPs by my opinion ask too few subsequent questions and followup demands for clarifications and explanations:: But if they fail to respond the ball is in their court. Thank you.
  • So often the original question does not contain any where near enough information to provide a complete answer. You can only help people provide the correct answer when you provide enough details. A good reason for additional posts.
  • Due to differing outlooks I rarely agree with the OP, but in this case I agree 100%. It's a pet peeve of mine on lots of different forums: usually a new poster asks a question, usually a bit vague, gets several answers and several requests for clarification, and then never reappears. Grrrr.
  • Make a response

    Yes thank you for the help

    No I don't understand need more help
  • I also don't care for an OP who wants only "an answer to their question".

    What I prefer is an OP who wants "information related to their question". Buried in information could be and usually is not only an answer to their question, but also a whole bunch of learning so the OP may never have to confront the same situation or question again.

    But beyond that, an OP who finally offfers thanks to all for the information is becoming rarer and rarer. Some discussion responses take a lot of time to write up ... so sometimes some appreciation would be appreciated.
    I rate topics according to the degree of further interface by the original poster. One post, thirty replies and the OP disappears rates as a "zero" in my book. Pretty damned rude.
    Come back. It's the polite thing to do.
  • Sometimes people come here for advise when what their really looking for is justification for a decision already made. You probably won't like half the answers. Own it. Post "Opinions on this thing I just bought".
  • You are correct RedRollingRoadblock. I do that (refer to the 1st post) regularly. But I have no empathy whatsoever for OPs that do not interface with subsequent comments. I hope they did not ever try to perform university grade research.

    Some subjects have no simple "right" answer

    And some posters get upset when they find a majority of answers disagrees with their pre-conceived "right answer" They are looking for agreement not an answer.

    I rate topics according to the degree of further interface by the original poster. One post, thirty replies and the OP disappears rates as a "zero" in my book. Pretty damned rude.
  • And read, re-read the OP's post. It is way too easy to jump to conclusions on what you think the OP asked versus what they asked. Not that I've ever done that. LOL