I won't dispute your numbers as I believe you seem to be pretty objective in your statements. I enjoyed reading them.
However, when you compare the amount of cooling the swamp cooler gave in a day compared to the cooling an A/C gives in an hour, it's also important to remember the physiological effects of humidity and our body's ability to give off heat.
The swamp coolers generally raise the humidity of the air while lowering it's temperature. A traditional A/C not only cools the air drastically, but LOWERS the humidity level of that air as well. So the cool, DRY air ASSISTS the body in it's own cooling process. Albeit at the expensive of greater energy usage and initial cost.
The old "It's not the heat it's the humidity." saying sums that up. If your body can't rid itself of heat through the process of the evaporation of sweat, the perception to the individual is that it's warm/hot.
The swamp coolers can be effective in select applications under very specific circumstances, but they really can't be compared to a refrigerant based A/C unit.
Thanks again for the informative posts and discussions.