I have had swamp coolers for about 45 years. Installed one in Denver, Colorado years ago.had them Amarillo, Texas, and southern NM. They work great on dry, low humidity, days. If much humidity at all they just add moisture to the air and leave a damp hot place. The water evaporates and leaves the minerals contained therein behind. If you are someplace with very hard water you will have to clean lots of scale off pads and every other place water touched. This maintenance can get to be extensive. Don’t think soft water will cut down on scale because the residual salt in the softened water will corrode every metal it touches. For them to cool you will need about 3 square feet opening for air to exhaust for every thousand CFM.that means windows open for you to get a chance to cool. I’ve converted two homes from swamp cooler to refrigerated acnd and never want another swamp cooler as my only source of cooling.