Is it picking up everything except locals? It may be failing to find the sat your locals are on. You can see on the info screen which sats it has and the strength of each.
Take the cover off before you power it up and then watch after you do power up. You will see the antenna rotate one direction until it reaches end of travel pointing toward the handle. Then it will reverse direction and rotate a full turn until reaching the handle from that direction. Then it rotate back to a generally southern direction and stop. Then the antenna will begin a series of incremental side to side and up and down movements attempting to home in on the three sats. Note they say point the handle north. But I think you are good as long as it is not pointed south since the handle is the point the rotation stops.
So yes, there are things to fail inside there. Mine worked fine for about 7-8 years, but has started having problems finding the sats. Last year I fell back to the tripod mounted antenna.