quasi wrote:
It's not really a question of need. It's more of a want. I don't need a fireplace in an RV but I want one. I don't need a convection oven but I want one. I'll spend my money on the things I want and you can spend yours on what you want. I appreciate the posters sharing their experiences as that might help me decide what I want. I don't care for the naysayers carping about whether it is cost effective or whether it has a good ROI. You're dragging a 16,000 pound house around using a vehicle getting 10 mpg. Cost effectiveness is a relative term.
Just my 2 cents and I'll put away my soapbox.
X2 ...... and very well said I might add.
I have my tankless for boondocking but a real plus for me is it's weight, much lighter than a tank unit.