Converter at float. Throw a light switch. Converter pops to 14.4 or whatever. Over and over and hundeds of dozens of times. AGM batteries hate that and there is no reason to design a converter to cycle the battery 20,000 times needlessly over its shortened lifespan. Somehow some of you have convinced yourself that I do not recommend the use of multi-stage converters. Nothing could be further from fact. My critiquing is to point out the shortcomings in a seventy nine cent IC and figure a cheap, simple way to correct the deficiencies. Such as boondocking and needing to run the generator 15 hours instead of three with a power supply
Or sticking an AGM on float and keeping it there. Or pressing a desulfate button 22 times to fully charge a flooded battery. In October my R&S bank turns 22. Course I COULD HAVE settled for the median age and spent $22,000 dollars eight years ago by not caring for the batteries. Keep it in perspective thank you veey much.