Forum Discussion

Oct 11, 2015

Thermostat replacement Atwood 38555, Options?

My slide switch/mode switch is broken on the above Atwood Thermostat in our Lance992.

I have to replace the entire thermostat in order to fix the issue..

Have any of you fellow inmates in here ever used a regular home thermostat?

Just wondering.. I had to replace the OEM one in my Lance 881 a few years back. It's the same as this one that just broke this past weekend.. They do not seem to be very rugged.. A close camping buddy has also had thier's go up recently..

Just looking for maybe a more rugged option.
  • Replaced mine with a Classic Pro 70 series, 7 day programmable, single stage Emerson / White-Rodgers (#1F78-167). Equivalent current model would be 80 series 1F87-361. Closest model 70 series is 1F78-151 (5/2 day).

    Chose the White-Rodger due to lowest set point being 45F. Good documentation / installation instructions. Uses 2 AAA batteries for operation that need replacement.

    Eliminated the AAA batteries and wired in a DC/DC converter 12VDC to 3VDC connected to 12VDC system. Advantage was didn't have to replace batteries at worst possible time and didn't need to re-program the thermostat due to loss of contact of batteries while bouncing on washboards on FS roads (contact springs weakened with time and household thermostat battery holder wasn't designed with vertical acceleration in mind).

    Tape or reusable craft putty adhesive works well if you want to go the mechanical route to hold batteries in place (i.e. HandiTak)
  • That is my thought.

    I use thermostat from a big box store. I really do not remember the model cause I installed it years ago. It is programmable. Many of the hardware store stats will work, just take a look at their wiring instructions. I think they start at about $30.
