Mar 08, 2016Explorer
This Is What A 500-Amp Voltage Drop Rectifier Looks Like
This is a Schottky rectifier rated 500-amperes. 250 amperes per rectifier (The pyramid shaped things atop the bar)
At 100 amperes current (50 per pyramid) the voltage drop is .251. Example 15 volts in, 14.749 out.
The silver shiny plate with the pair of unthreaded 5/16" holes is not insulated. It is HOT and needs to be insulated. Use epoxy thermal compound to clamp to a heat sink like a gutted 70amp battery isolator. For perspective the two screws for the rectifiers are 1/4" diameter.
I am going to THREAD the 2 base plate holes, then screw-in a pair of cut-off 5/16" silicon-bronze bolt threads, then SOLDER the threads from beneath, the side that gets expoxied (epoxy INSULATES the big silver colored copper bar from the aluminum isolator case.
This drops the voltage a quarter volt on the WFCO "13.60 Volts Til I Die" power converter. 13.6 minus 2.51 voltage drop is 13.35 volts, for the Lifeline. The overkill amperage rating of the Schottky is to minimize voltage drop and make the rectifier bullet-proof. For $12.51, plus a free garbage-grade isolator finned housing. No the finned housing won't be "hot" it's isolated. For my purposes the WFCO 55 would do the same job as a Davy Crockett grade Master Woodsman Doombocker with magic wand costing >$200
At 100 amperes current (50 per pyramid) the voltage drop is .251. Example 15 volts in, 14.749 out.
The silver shiny plate with the pair of unthreaded 5/16" holes is not insulated. It is HOT and needs to be insulated. Use epoxy thermal compound to clamp to a heat sink like a gutted 70amp battery isolator. For perspective the two screws for the rectifiers are 1/4" diameter.
I am going to THREAD the 2 base plate holes, then screw-in a pair of cut-off 5/16" silicon-bronze bolt threads, then SOLDER the threads from beneath, the side that gets expoxied (epoxy INSULATES the big silver colored copper bar from the aluminum isolator case.
This drops the voltage a quarter volt on the WFCO "13.60 Volts Til I Die" power converter. 13.6 minus 2.51 voltage drop is 13.35 volts, for the Lifeline. The overkill amperage rating of the Schottky is to minimize voltage drop and make the rectifier bullet-proof. For $12.51, plus a free garbage-grade isolator finned housing. No the finned housing won't be "hot" it's isolated. For my purposes the WFCO 55 would do the same job as a Davy Crockett grade Master Woodsman Doombocker with magic wand costing >$200