We wont have the rig on the road until April so i'm checking out several TPMS systems before I make a commitment. The issue of possibly not being able to read the tire pressure while the tires were in a static (parked) state triggered a phone call by me to the factory. I was informed that the "sleep" (static) mode was not a total power off mode but only a mode where the rate of data transmission was significantly reduced, thus saving battery power. That is to say you are able to get tire status info while parked, even for an extended time. This seems to be a fairly standard feature for all TPMS. The main variance I've found in external mounted TPMS systems is the size and weight of the transmitting unit and the design layout of the display monitor. The displays seem to vary from seeing all tire readings simultaneously on a larger display to seeing only the info cycled through on one tire at a time on a smaller display. Some are "pass through", allowing air to be added or pressure manually measured without removing the transmitter. This latter feature doesn't seem to be all that important, being able to read the tire pressure on the display monitor. The transmitters are easily removed if air needs to be added. The only significant difference that appears to be developing is incorporating TPMS into an expandable RV monitoring system wherein addition features and info can be added to the monitor display as they are developed, i.e. toad battery info, engine and generator fuel flow rate info, etc. The whole concept of providing the RV driver with additional useful info underway is expanding and combining that info onto one screen seems to be advantageous.