When you got it home you plugged into what kind of outlet??????
Many plug into an existing 30 amp outlet or have an elecctrican install a 30 amp outlet.. the outlet is often 240 volt.. Not good for your RV
Option 2 is an open neutral. Normal 50 amp RV power is 240 volts divided into two 120 volt legs.. kind of like this
a center tapped transformer. (The first line is reading from one end. the second from the center tap
If you loose the center tap you can end up with 240 volts on one leg if the other has a load on it. Not good either.
USe of a Progressive Industries HW-50C (on a 50 amp) or HW-30C (30 amp) will not stop you from plugging into a bad outlet..... but it will protect ther RV and let you know "Hey dummy, WRONG OUTLET" (er 240 volts DO NOT BYPASS).