1. American companies are trying to compete with Chinese companies who basically have slave labor. (I've been to China and speak from personal experience)
2. There are no unions in China.
3. American companies are having difficulty finding good workers. Actually, they are having trouble finding BAD workers. My job takes me into numerous factories and all of them cannot find enough good workers. Recently one customer wanted to restart a mothballed facility because the economy is going good. They interviewed 600 applicants to fill 150 positions and failed because of mandatory drug testing.
4. The USA economy over the last few decades has been horrible and as a result, American companies have implemented cost cutting measures which have caused a resulting reduction in quality.
5. Yes, finally, there is a problem with management. Yes, they have been told by shareholders to make a certain profit no matter what. With the new, booming economy, American companies are going to have to relearn how to conduct business. This is going to be a long and difficult road since there is also a problem with finding good managers (same as workers)
Big question is whether American industry can rise to the occasion. Time will tell.