There is so much lack of understanding of manufacturing, economics and global economics written above it's breathtaking.
But Mexicowanderers most interesting point was lost on most. That is this: Why can generally more expensive European based manufacturers make tools, machinery, electrical components and other things while paying higher wages, more vacation time for it's workers, up to a year of time off for new mothers and 6 months for Fathers and great working conditions to boot? And in many cases they export those products to the US at competitive prices? And they still make a profit. American companies will tell you they can't do it, They can. But should they?
There are many reasons but in my judgement it is the societal and corporate culture that keeps CEO pay at reasonable levels with the pay of the general workforce, companies tend to focus on the Long Term instead of short term shareholder gains and they are happy to own a business to make a good living...not necessarily with the goal of getting rich as so many Americans see things.
Now on the other point he makes: The assumption that America can no longer make these things is a false construct and a straw man argument. The reason that we no longer make some of these things is that Capital...Money seeks it's most efficient use. Ask yourself this: Would you rather have the relatively good paying jobs that the people of Northern Indiana enjoy Assembling RV's a primarily HAND Made effort, OR the lower paid job standing at a machine for 8 hours while it stamps out the tool used by the better paid assembler?
But keep in mind the guy who DESIGNED the tool, a very good paying job, is here in the US as are the management, sales, distribution, the metallurgical expertise and manufacturing tool designers... and those are the kinds of jobs we need to keep.
The problem is not our inability to make things, it is that the REAL money is now in DESIGN and SERVICES. That is where our economy has been going for more than a generation. But our educational system and sadly many people have not been able to make the intellectual changes needed to get and keep the kinds of jobs that are the engine of this economy in the late 20th and early 21st century.
And this is why our Tech Sector (think Google, Microsoft and many others) need the H1B visa program to bring the right kind of skilled and educated workers from India, China and Europe. There are not enough Americans with the RIGHT kind of education and skills to fill the jobs that are out there.
Now if Mexicowanderer would tell us the brand name of that skillet...we might have some context. Over more than 30 years I have never had a handle fall off my set of "near Commercial grade" Cuisinart pans. And I use them in the oven at over 450deg all the time. Quality is out there and it can be made ANYWHERE. It's not WHERE it's's about where and who designs it and sets the manufacturing specifications.