The economic scenario was based on this...
ONE: The onset of a speculator infestation with energy
TWO The spiking of OIL PRICES with energy, transportation, and manufacturing costs leading the contributing negatives.
West Texas Intermediate crude prices dropped over 10 percent in October, it's steepest monthly decline in over two years. Perhaps the end of the US and capitalism as we know it has been similarly delayed for at least a month.
As for "Stagflation" being the greatest threat to an economy, I believe that you will find that anyone who has lived through hyper-inflation such as occurred in Germany, Yugoslavia, Hungary and China where prices doubled in a matter of hours and days would beg to differ. Today in Venezuela run away inflation combined with failed government price controls, subsidies and corruption has turned a country that has one of the world's largest oil reserves into a country where daily staples such as toilet paper have become so scarce that they are used as a substitute for currency. I am sure that the average Venezuelan would gladly trade their economic situation for the absolute worst of the US' brief period of Stagflation.