If the question is which do I think is more accurate I go with my digital. When I have the exact same pressure in two tires using the digital and the TMPS shows a couple of lbs difference I believe the digital.
However, I do not sweat 5 lbs one way or the other and tend to add 5 lbs to the door sticker when filling cold tires. I noticed over the years that my tires tend to wear on the edges and not evenly if I only put in the door sticker PSI. When I add the extra 5 lbs the tires wear evenly across the tread.
I have 4 digital and they will all read within .5 lbs of each other.
Yes I have been anal enough to see if they all read the same and I think the .5 lbs was the little air that leaks when you put on and take off the gauge.
I also have several analog gauges and those I do not trust except to be within 3-4 lbs of accurate.