In the early 70's I bought into an automatic transmission shop. Joined ATRA. When I discovered the durability nightmares like badly machined shaft bores, porous valve bodies and cases and tap dance grade liners for servo bores I got the hell out. How much does a transmission dynomometer and adapter fixtures cost? With my alternators I full-load tested them for several minutes. NOBODY ELSE DID THIS AND DOES THIS TEST. Only factory remanufacturers can afford transmission dynos. Induce a 200 HP load and pass/fail by Delta T transmission fluid temp as well as pressures and shift points. In 1990 I opened a Mr Goodwrench plastic shipping case. There was a note inside. INCLUDES NEW POROSITY CHECKED VALVE BODY AND HEAT TREATED CLUTCH DRUMS. If a transmission shop does not possess an electric fluid pump flush cleaner to flush debris from the cooler the shop is not worth snot. There are far too few automatic transmission gurus out there. It is EXACTLY THE SAME with rebuilt alternator and starter rebuilders. With the latter a huge percentage turn out garbage.