Bend wrote:
12thgenusa wrote:
... the Trimetric will no longer be able to provide information as to the actual depth of discharge.
There is the AMP HOURS FROM 'FULL' tally that can be compared to your real battery capacity. Is it independent of P3?
No. It's the same thing as %full in a different form.
Quote from manual:
"The “battery % full” reading of the TriMetric just puts the “amp hours from full” number in a different form, which depends on the “amp hours “Capacity” number that has been programmed in to the TriMetric in program number P3. When the battery is full and the “amp hours from full” value is 0 then the Battery% full will be 100. When the battery is depleted so that the “amp hours from full” goes to a negative value equal to the “capacity” programmed in P3 then the Battery% full goes to zero."
I don't understand the need to turn off the auto reset. Mine has never auto-reset when it shouldn't have, i.e., battery not full.
You are correct about temperature and capacity. However, a possibly greater impact on capacity is discharge rate. A "known" battery capacity of 400 Ah is only good at one temperature and discharge rate, usually 20-hr rate. But who always discharges at 20A (assuming the 400 Ah bank)? I don't. Most of the time for me is it much less. However, there are short bursts where it can be 132A (MW), 82A (Coffee pot or Toaster),75A (vacuum), etc. The Trimetric counts these all the same—an amp is an amp, which it is. However, the actual capacity is changing with each change in discharge rate. But the Trimetric just goes on using whatever value has been set for P3. The amazing thing is, at least for my usage, it is remarkably accurate. Much better than a SWAG. Maybe my usage time-averages out close to a 20hr rate.