Bend wrote:
12thgenusa wrote:
I don't understand the need to turn off the auto reset. Mine has never auto-reset when it shouldn't have, i.e., battery not full.
The only way I can find for the Tri NOT to reset when solar power goes to zero A at night is to have P14(Required continuous time to meet V (P1) and A(P2) charge criteria) set to something other than zero. I'm curious what your P14 setting is. Maybe 4-5 hours?
Or, a very high P1.
Yep, I'm still installing. Might be done by Sunday.
No. P14 is set at default 0, P1 is 14.3. P1 and P2 have to occur simultaneously to trigger a reset. End of day amp decline should be accompanied by voltage decline if the batteries are not full. Reset should not happen. If P1 is too low and P2 is too high a reset will occur before full. The numbers you gave in the OP should not cause this to happen.
Just had another thought. If your controller stays locked in Abs as the panel output declines, a reset would occur. My controller reverts to bulk (MPPT) if panel output cannot maintain voltage with .2V of Abs set point voltage. So if I achieve float before the solar day is over a normal reset occurs. If in Abs when the power declines, the controller shifts back to Bulk (voltage < P1) and reset does not occur.