Your setting must work for you-- thanks for posting your "lessons learned."
I still go with no settings of anything except turn off the auto reset. I manually reset, eg, such as mentioned above, where AH go positive late in the day so I get a "new full" to start over from. (IMO this happens from more gassing at high SOC than the Tri's 4% allowance is for that)
I am still mad at the Tri for not having an AH reset to a particular number. Yesterday with the batts about 70% I had them all disconnected from the rig while I was doing some work on the wiring so when I reconnected the Tri was at zero AH. I wanted to put the AH back where it was before I disconnected. Nope.
So now I have to wait until the batts get full (must confirm with hydrometer) so I can reset to zero and get back in the groove. Could be days from now.
At least I didn't enter a whole bunch of complicated settings that also would go down the drain on any disconnection! :)