This is a handy chart showing the charge status of BATTERIES.
What you are seeing on your batteries is the DC OUTPUT of the converter/charger unit.
To actually read the real battery DC VOLTS you need to disconnect the out board charging DC VOLTAGES (Converter/charger or the connected Trailer TOW DC charge) and allow the trailer battery to settle down for a few minutes. My batteries read 12.6-7VDC after being charged at 14.4VDC for two hours and then continued to be charged at 13.6VDC for an additional hour. In the three hour charge time then my batteries at at their full charge state.
I monitor my battery DC VOLTAGE all the time and never want to see it drop below 12.0VDC which is close to being at the 50% charge state. Then I want to get them re-charged back up to full charges as soon as I can.
When camping off the power grid I can run my batteries down to their 50% charge state over night and then re-charge in the morning using smart mode charging to get them back up to at least their 90% charge state using my 2KW Generator connected to the trailer. This will take right at three hours of generator run time. Then I can make it through the next day/night run again until 8AM the next morning. I can do 12-14 of these 50% to 90% charge cycles before I need to do a FULL 100% CHARGE which will take around 12-14 hours of charge time. Otherwise I will start doing damage to my batteries performance.
Roy Ken