1. Maybe there was no such thing as 2-stroke oil at that time ? And you probably measured piston clearance and ring gap with a yardstick back then ? Things have advanced a little in 70 years.
2. In 1969 Honda gave us their 750cc, 4 cylinder motorcycle. The one weak point on these great bikes was the chain - they could barely handle the horsepower. So Honda gave it automatic chain oiling because they knew that the owners would not necessarily lube the chain as required. It bled off engine oil to drip on the chain. And it got all over the rear wheel. So some of us turned it off and bought good chain lube. The difference was that chain lube had additives so it would penetrate the links (cousins to chain saw links) and it was super sticky and stayed in place after it set up. This greatly prolonged the life of the chain and sprockets. And (most importantly) made for nice clean rear wheels.