dougrainer wrote:
You did not burn up the motor. IF it is fried, it is because it reached its long term operational limit. You can jump to 2 large terminals on the solenoid with a heavy gauge screwdriver. Bypassing the internal touchpad. IF the motor fails to run and you get heavy arcing, your motor is fried. It is held on with 2 screws. Remove and take to a local starter/alternator rebuild shop for them to rebuild it. Doug
Ya my brother said the same thing, I tried jumping the solenoid with a screwdriver and didn't see any arcing but I do see 12 volts with a meter. Thinking maybe a bad connection somewhere. Once it cools off a bit outside I am going to take my long jumper cables and try going from battery positive to the lug on the back of the motor, if it spins I will chase down the bad connection.