No, I want the current to stay at 80 from start up till battery voltage reaches 14.4 (in PD case), not drop right off like Fisherguy's does.
Just how long it takes to get up to 14.4 depends on the charging rate ie, the charging amps / AH capacity of the bank. Higher charging rate means you get to 14.4 sooner at a lower SOC than with a lower charging rate (see my ugly graph posted earlier) But it is still faster to use the higher charging rate even though tapering starts at a lower SOC because the tapering amps are still higher amps than lower constant amps.
Here is my PM3-100 doing bulk at constant 100ish amps. It does a bit more than 100 in real life. Before mod, it dropped to 13.7 as soon as it got up to threshold, but I changed that so it would stay at that voltage, which means the amps are higher during absorption and it gets done faster. also shown is the same thing using 105a worth of Vector portables which also do constant amps properly.