Very nice! Proves with good wiring and good 120v input, the PD can do it. :)
There does seem to be a very slight taper in the last half of the bulk stage. In this case the slight taper is not an "issue" for battery charging, but might be of interest on the technical side of whether PDs are different from some other converters.
That is the kind of thing the "real techs" talk about here in this long thread about all that. It was DryCamper11 who modified his 9280 and is the expert on PDs to get the SOCs for that graph events starting with 50% and am having trouble. Please give your estimated SOCs when you get that far along.
eg, 50% is 150AH, so bulk took 105 min at approx. 55a which I get as 96AH so now at 246/300 = 82% start of taper. That part works out ok.
But now looking at what the amps were at 90% SOC to find a "marker" for when to stop the gen like my usual 5amps per 110 of bank, here you get to 90% with amps way above 14a.
so is that where the AGMs come in as having way higher amps per 110AH at 90% or is my math wrong?