red31 wrote:
I tried to add ah64id to my charge % graph but I can't decipher the current scale to get charge % of ah capacity. ....
55a on 300ah is a 18.3% charging rate. His goes a bit longer in bulk per charging rate because my ugly graph was done with Vector chargers, which start tapering at 14v while his goes to 14.4.
However, Vectors do not hold their voltage during stage 2 such as at a 14.4Vabs, but the voltage rises slowly from that 14v point to 14.6 or 14.8 by the end, so that holds the amps up during the absorption taper. I have a graph of that somewhere back about page 5 give or take of this thread, comparing a 103a PM3-100 with 105a worth of Vectors doing a 50-90.