Tommy, It was just a canister type fuel filter mounted to the rail, no electrical wires at all. Only a gas line from the tank and a return(by-pass) line back to the tank. The "O" ring gasket is all I used out of the fuel filter I bought. The old one was mashed flat and if it leaks fuel the engine mounted pump could just be pulling in just enough air to cause fuel starvation?
93 cobra is spot on the only sure way is a short term fuel pressure monitoring system.
There was no overflow radiator tank on my unit and the water level in the radiator was (with the radiator cap removed, engine cold) around 2 inches from the top when full. The radiator itself was the expansion tank for that year model.
The fan has a temperature activated clutch but when cold the fan would turn a little when cold but not free-wheel.
Remember this is from only my experience with that motor and I am by no means an expert but if it helps that is good.