Itinerant1 wrote:
If your displays for reading voltage is only xx.x instead of xx.xx you would not see the drop as in your example of 13.1 from your batteries if it's starting out at say 13.19v.
You really are seeing a difference in the batteries to inverter voltage lose, .2 is the greatest difference between my lfp battery readings and inverter readings even under load up to 2000w. Now I have seen a .4 difference between the 2 only when the SOC was at 37% pulling 2,867w using microwave, coffeemaker, charging laptops.
I’m seeing a much more substantial difference. 11.5 on the inverter panel vs 13.05 on the Victron. I’m not getting any faults on the Samlex. My SoC is around 75%. I guess I’ll need to pull out the voltmeter and check everything when I get back.