The JGdarden site linked to 2 posts above updates their site at least every two months. I've no idea how accurate it is, and of course the battery on the shelves does not necessarily represent who made the battery 2 months prior, much less two years prior.
I've never had good luck cycling any Wal mart battery, but then again I knew less about properly charging batteries back then. One Wally World marine battery which was cycled shallowly for a year then got transferred to engine starting duties only, lasted 7 years, but the batteries I cycled shorted cells quickly.
I am not a 'kill it before the warranty expires' type of person. I don't want anything for nothing. I'll pay for what I believe is a better built battery, and make sure I can recharge it properly. The battery manufacturer recommendations are a good starting point.
Try and get a definitive answer from Johnson Controls as to recommended initial bulk current and Absorption voltage or float voltage, just don't hold your breath waiting for a response.
I might buy a Wally world starting battery, but am unlikely to buy their batteries which will be cycled unless they have a good weight to them.
But I try not to enter Wally worlds in the first place. Too many things in this world ignite the fires of my considerable misanthropic tendencies, and Walmart has that ability in excess.