1. Depending on the Year model of the RV and IF it was built in California, Water Heaters had a check valve on the Intake and exhaust per California plumbing code. This requirement was removed in the mid 2000's. The problem having 2 check valves was NOISE and the diminished volume of Hot Water flow. 2 check valves caused a whining noise.
2. Having a BRASS check valve on the Intake keeps the Hot water from heating up the feed water line and possibly causing warm water at a cold side of a faucet.
3. If you have a check valve on the Hot exhaust of a water heater, that is usually because the OEM has used a hybrid BYPASS winterization system that uses one valve to bypass for winterization. When this check valve is installed, it keeps water from entering the Water Heater thru the hot exhaust side when the winterization handle is in winterization mode. If you have this type system and you still get water(antifreeze) into the WH when winterizing, it is because the check valve was NOT installed or is defective. Doug